About Us


Binc (Buphe Investment Corporation) is a licensed Financial Service Provider and registered Credit provider.

The company owns B Mobi Wallet that provides services in banking, telecommunication, Insurance, and healthcare sectors

Binc has partnered with major players in the abovementioned industries to provide services to its member and clients..

Binc operations are extended throughout the world, B Mobi allows the member or client to operate remotely from any country..

B Mobi is a platform through which a client or member will access all Buphe products and services in the following industries:

  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Healthcare
  • Telecommunication

What we offer

01.Insurance Services

• Expatcare: Health Insurance Cover
• Funeral Cover and
• Repatriation of Mortal Remains.

02.Healthcare Services

• Virtual medical Services
• Medical Voucher
• Medical Savings Wallet

03.Banking Services

• Local and Non-resident Bank Account
• Cross Borders remittances
• Credit facilities

04.Telecommunication Services

• MTN Individual contract deals
• MTN Corporate Contract deals
• MTN MoMo (Mobile Money)